A 150 Year Old Farming Method
Regenerative agriculture is a system of farming principles and practices that increases biodiversity, enriches soils, improves watersheds, and enhances ecosystem services. Here, our cows naturally fertilize the soil through a carefully-managed rotational grazing program, so we never have to use fertilizers or pesticides. Colonies of honey bees, including some from our own hives, naturally pollinate the pastures. Bluebirds also coexist in our pastures with the cattle, keeping the fly population to a minimum, while enhancing the biodiversity and soil fertility.
Top Grade Cattle for Superior Beef
At the outset, we consulted with top U.S. based and international grass-fed cattle experts and invested in best-of-breed Red Angus, Devon and Hereford genetics from Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Arkansas, Texas, Mexico and New Zealand. These top-grade animals created a herd of cows with the genetic and physical characteristics that result in consistently superior beef. Today, the mothers of our closed-herd produce a very high butterfat milk to nurse their young, who wean after 10 months. This allows each calf’s digestive system to fully develop and promote the marbling we seek in our beef.